Entrance Fees
Vstupné na jeden denCena online
Cena na místě
Dospělý130 Kč150 CZK
Mládež do 160 cm, senioři a studenti80 Kč100 Kč
Children up to the age of 6FreeFree
Držitelé průkazu TP, ZTP, ZTP/P (včetně průvodce)FreeFree
Vstupné na osobu pro školy a dobročinné org.30 Kč30 Kč
Třídenní vstupné na všechny výstavní dnyCena online
Cena na místě
Dospělý15 €nelze
Mládež do 160 cm, senioři a studenti200 Kčnelze
Children up to the age of 6FreeFree
Držitelé průkazu TP, ZTP, ZTP/P (včetně průvodce)FreeFree
Vstupné na osobu pro školy a dobročinné org.50 CZKnelze

Recommendation for Exhibitors - when to arrive?

You don't have to be at the show from the start, it is actually better to miss the morning rush and arrive according to the judging timetable, which we publish before the show. At the same time though it is good to have a head-start of approximately one hour - in case there are problems with the transport, or with the parking.


Your four-legged friends are welcomed even if they are not registered to the show. The only requirement is to have the dog micro-chipped and have the pet passport with a visible proof of vaccination with you in case of a random veterinary check. Starting 1.1.2020 the vaccination is only valid if the dog is also micro-chipped.

Agresivní psi na výstavu nepatří.

Public Transport

Avoid the morning rush and make use of the subway line C - station Letňany (located 5-10 minutes' walk from the show grounds).

Regular connections to the bus station Výstaviště Letňany (Exhibitions Grounds Letňany).
Bus lines: 110, 136, 140, 158, 166, 195, 201, 209

Exhibition Grounds Address
Parking Fees per one Day 
  • Passenger vehicles: 200 CZK
  • Caravans and camper vans: 650 CZK (capacity for 30 vehicles up to 3.5 tons)
  • Buses: 650 CZK
  • More information on the providers website: https://parkovani-letnany.cz/cenik/

In case of full capacity, you can use the P+R parking near subway station Letnany (50 CZK per day, 200 CZK per night), but you can't park there with a caravan. Capacity for 650 vehicles
More information about P+R parking here.
Check the availability of the parking.